Some Sort Of Picture Post….

This is a picture post.  😉  Enjoy the pictures.  I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE.

Obi-Wan and Siri.  😉

That’s the book my mother stole from me this morning and has spent all day reading.  😛

Sibling montage…..isn’t that cute?!?  8D

I made that on a fake Facebook Convos site.  😉  Click to enlarge?  xD  I’m not sure how that works.  😉

xDD  I want that fortune cookie!

That’s the last picture!  🙂  BUT IT IS AN AMAZING PICTURE!!!!!
Seriously, Mara Jade and Kim Possible look a lot alike.  😉  I’m really in love with that picture.  😉

Thanks everyone!!!!!  Tons of Love!!!!  ❤ ❤ ❤

Jedi~Chick/Fallon Skywalker Solo Tremain Darcy Jones ❤ (yes I added Jones…for Indiana Jones of course!)  😉




3 thoughts on “Some Sort Of Picture Post….

  1. Great picture post—I have the Han Solo/Indian Jones picture. Super awesome. I think it’s funny Harrison Ford didn’t think they were very similar. I read somewhere that he said “They wear different clothes. How can they be the same person?” LOL

    ~Jamie Joyce

  2. Yay for picture posts! They’re perfect for lazy people such as myself. 😛 I love the My Little Ahsoka! It’s soo cute! And the Obi-Wan and Siri one makes me feel all fuzzy inside. 😀

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